Our Leadership Team

Linda Lucas
Executive Director

Hi, My name is Linda Lucas and I am the Executive Director of Village on the Thames.

I studied Business Marketing and Office Administration and am happily married with two grown children and two wonderful grandchildren.

I have been working with Seniors in our community for almost 20 years. I started in Long- Term Care, moved to Community Care, and was an Executive Director in Senior Recreation. I am happy to move into Seniors Living because of my passion for seniors. I hope to enhance our home, and look forward to meaningful relationships with staff, residents and our community.

Marie Reaume
Resident Services Manager

I began my journey with Steeves & Rozema early summer 2019. I started at head office and moved to Twin Lakes Village as the Residents Services Manager and then moved to Village on the Thames to be their RSM.  I have worked with seniors throughout my career and most enjoy listening to their stories and life experiences. Our residents constantly amaze me with their wisdom and understanding. I feel very honored to be able to keep learning and getting to know our residents here at Village on the Thames and hope to be able to touch their lives as so many here have already touched mine.

Ruby Gallant
Marketing and Outreach Coordinator

I started my career with S&R in 2015 as the Property Management Receptionist. In 2017, I moved on to work at Trillium Villa Nursing Home. The role provided valuable experience working with Seniors. I would volunteer my time with the Life Enrichment Department on evenings and weekends and special occasions such as Halloween and Christmas. I returned to Head office in 2018 where I was in many different roles for three years there. I was deployed to Village on the Thames to help out as a FUN Coordinator and it became clear this is what I was supposed to be doing. When Twin Lakes Village needed a FUN Coodinator I applied. I feel at home with the residents. I love making them smile and delight in the fun I bring.

Barb Smids
FUN Coordinator

I am a part-time FUN Coordinator at Village on the Thames. My specialty is getting our residents out of their room, and into the FUN. My goal each day is to get a smile or a laugh from each of the residents!

I enjoy the great outdoors with family and friends in my free time.

I love being a FUN Coordinator at Village on the Thames